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Hi ... I'm Amisha!
Hi and here's a personal welcome from moi!  You've finally found my web-page and this is gonna be your only chance to find out about myself, my family and my mates.  I've put loads of pics in so you don't get bored ...  now sit back while I take you through the journey of my life! 
Right then if I first start with myself and my family... 
Well I was born in a town called Preston (and for those of you who don't know where that is, it's in the NW part of England) - it's not that bad of a town really and there's always loads to do and see.  Anyway, I was born in 1980 so that makes me 19, at the moment.  I did the normal things kids do when I was young but you don't want to know about that part of my life since it's quite boring and to be honest I can't remember!  Firstly if I start with my younger siblings...
She's 17 and is at Newman College (I went there as well but I'll talk about that later), she's studying GNVQ Leisure & Tourism and is also learning Spanish!  I don't know how long she'll last on that course, but we'll see!
Hemita's the youngest sister, she's 14 and is at Corpus Christi high school (I also went there but like I said before I'll tell you about that later).  She's dead sweet she always does what I tell her to do (well, when it suits her!).  She's pretty cool but you just have to make sure you don't boss her around too much!
Arjun is the youngest (he's a boy if you can't tell!), so you can imagine how spoilt he is!  He's only 9 but he likes to think he's the eldest!  He can be a little brat at times but I've come to realise that the best way to stay in his good books is by buying him Playstation games and other bits and bobs! - like I said before, he's spoilt!
Well now you know about my family, I'll go on and tell you a bit about my mates... (and they're gonna kill me when they realise their photos are on the net without their permission!)
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